After performing the tests with iSCSI and discussing the results with a friend of mine, I was a little disappointed as it seemed that the IX4 didn’t seem to perform as well as his system. Biggest difference between my IX4 and his NAS was the use of iSCSI on the IX4 and NFS on his. […]
block size
Putting your storage to the test – Part 1 iSCSI on Iomega IX4-200D
Putting your storage to the test Doesn’t everybody want to brag about how fast their storage is? How they configured and tweaked for hours to squeeze the last bit of IO out of their storage? But what does it mean when someone says: “My box can do 1200 IOPSâ€. Is that read speed, write speed, […]
Change blocksize of local VMFS
During install vSphere now creates a VMFS partition by default on the local storage on which the service console partitions will be installed. When you want to use this partition to store your VMs on (non-VMotionable) there is no problem, just point to this datastore and use it. In my homelab the ESX hosts have […]
(Presentation) Design tips for VMware vSphere 4
Recently at the Belgium VMUG I gave a presentation in which I covered some design tips for VMware vSphere 4. I talked about some business decisions that, how boring they may seem, are crucial for your design. I covered some security requirements you should check with the security department of the organisation and of course advised good […]