Not many are using Auto Deploy with stateless hosts, but I’m a big fan of it. Though sometimes I’m pulling my hair trying to figure out why stuff isn’t working since there is also very little documentation and experiences from others. Recently we ran into an issue that after upgrading vCenter Server 6.5 to 7.0u2b, […]
Find VM NUMA locality with PowerShell
Same EVC level, still no VMotion
To save on Microsoft SQL licenses, we decided to merge two VMware Clusters into one. The clusters were in different vCenters and the source Cluster was running ESXi 6.5u2 and the target cluster was ESXi 6.5u1. Both clusters were at the same Westmere EVC Level but a Cross vCenter VMotion failed with “The target host […]
DELL XPS 13 – 9365 and network disconnect in sleep mode
Recently I got a new Dell XPS 13 – 9365 and I truly love the machine. The display is very crisp at 3200 pixels wide, the tough screen is awesome and it is a very light machine. There was just one thing, one very annoying thing…. Every time I get up from my desk to […]
vCenter: How was that account locked out?
Last week my user account was constantly locked out after 4hrs. I had just changed my password and I immediately guessed there most be some service somewhere for which I had used my account, but where. First I searched through the Active Directory and did indeed find the account lock events, but they only told […]