Daily, I have contact with a lot of people from all over the world. Contact through virtual media like MSN, GTalk, Twitter, online forum, e-mail, etc. And for me, meeting quite a number of them at VMworld in Cannes, is kind of exciting. I’m really looking forward to meeting all these people in real life. Most of them for the first time.
Now, it seems there are people that do studies on this. They observe and participate in these “communities” to learn how this affects the lifes of people, to discover patterns equal to normal day life and learn to explain certain behavior.
I’m lucky enough to know one of these observers (or better: anthropologists) and have her join me to Cannes this year. So, if you’re interested in how virtual and physical world meet and interact, see the website of my girlfriend Brenda at: http://www.VirtualGipsy.com. She’ll be blogging all week about her findings. Add here site to your RSS feed and bookmarks !