Recently my colleague Jon Klaus was installing VMware VIEW4 with a customer as he ran into a problem. In his setup there where two ESX hosts that each held 10 VDI VM’s and when putting one host into maintenance mode, he received a number of error messages: “The licensing limit on the number of running […]
Presentation: Hyper-V vs ESX in the datacenter
This is the revisted version. My companies logo has been removed from the PDF’s of the presentations since we don’t publish reports like this in a way for example Gartner does. If you have been using the previous versions, please delete them and use these new ones without logo’s. In November 2008, I’ve written three […]
My article on VDI
I got my first article published. For NetOpus magazine I was allowed to write a commentary on VDI and the hype that it is creating at this moment. It got published in the september issue (nr 6 – 2008). Below is a link to the pdf. It is only in dutch. netopus-6-2008 At the dutch […]
DV07 – Optimizing storage for virtual desktops
DV07 – Optimizing storage for virtual desktops (Tony Armstrong – VMware, Mike Slisinger & M. Vaughan Stewart (NetApp) To be honest, this was one of the session I didn’t like. I would have expected this session to be about how to work with storage in a VDI environment, but it turned out to be a […]
DV02 – Implementing VDI using VDM2, tips and tricks
DV02 – Implementing VDI using VDM2, tips and tricks (Puneet Chawla)  VDI is catching on with more and more companies. Personally I’ve not had the question yet to implement it, but I do get questions from my customers about what VDI is and if its suited for them. So, this was a must see […]