The Doctor is IN on SRM, Upgrade to vSphere 5.1, vCSA and VCAP-DCA

A few days ago I blogged about my new idea in this post: “The Doctor is: IN” and I received a lot of positive comments and even my first request for assistance. So… here we go !!!

Tonight ( June 7th ) at 19:00 CEST the first session will go live. That is, if Google Hangouts works because last night during my test run there were some issues with Google Hangouts.

This first session has been requested by Ryan Conley. Ryan is originally from Nashville area, moved to Greenville for two years which is where he got his feet wet with ESX/ESXi 4.x and 5.0.  He took a position in San Francisco over a year ago and is now the primary person for managing two vSphere 5.0 clusters for two separate companies. He passed VCP5 in April and as a result of the prep time he is now hooked on learning more and more.  He has his IaaS exam scheduled for the 17th of June and plans to attend VMworld in SF and sit the VCAP-DCA exam since it will be 75% off.  Work wise he is about to standup a DR cluster in SF and begin implementing SRM to tie the two together.

Ryan e-mailed me at Gabrie (at) GabesVirtualWorld (dot) com and asked me for help on a few subjects.  In tonights Hangout On Air we will be discussing the following:

  • Some help, tips and tricks on VMware SRM and his Nimble Array.
  • Upgrading vSphere 5.0 to 5.1
  • Using the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA)
  • Study tips for his VCAP-DCA exam

The session has ended. See the video below. Click here for the PowerPoint slides I used.

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2 thoughts on “The Doctor is IN on SRM, Upgrade to vSphere 5.1, vCSA and VCAP-DCA

  1. Excellent premier episode Garbrie and I hope there are many more to come. I agree that it’s fantastic that the VMware community has people like yourself that are willing to share their knowledge so that the rest of us can benefit from your experience. Thanks again and take care.

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