A lot of people try to figure out how HA calculates the failover level. I already did know that VC 2.0 use a slot size based on max cpu and memory for the “worst” VM,
ESX 3.5 on Workstation 6
Source: xtraVirt.com Commentary on VMware ESX3.5 on Workstation 6 Since VMware ESX 3.5 was released many of those in the community have found that the previous methodology to install and run ESX in a VM on Workstation 6 stopped working when a VM nested in ESX 3.5 was powered on. This short paper explores some […]
ESX Storage Performance Tips
Eric Sloof found a real good article about ESX and storage performance. His site will lead you to the great document. Click here
RTFM ESX3i Guide Available
I’m a bit late with my blog, because the whole world is already pointing to the new ESX3i Guide written by Mike Laverick, nevertheless I think it should be mentioned :-) At RTFM Eduction, you can find the 3i Guide and if you look at the Acknowledgements, you’ll see a very proud Eric Sloof !! […]
xtravirt vmish guide for ESX 3.5
XtraVirt has again released a great whitepaper. Read the latest vmish guide for ESX 3.5: http://www.xtravirt.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=113&Itemid=64